এই মডিউলের জন্য মডিউল:ks-Arab-to-Deva-translit/নথি-এ নথিপত্র তৈরি করা হয়ে থাকতে পারে

-- TODO: long í support
-- TODO: sort out short e vs palatalisation
-- TODO: add rule for CẹC = CyaC

local u = mw.ustring.char
local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub

local export = {}

local vav = u(0x0648)
local ye = u(0x06CC)
local alif = u(0x0627)
local he = 'ه'

local vw_s_cfu = u(0x0650) -- pesh (i)
local vw_s_ccu = u(0x0655) -- hamza below
local vw_s_cbr = u(0x064F) -- zer (u)
local vw_s_mcu = u(0x0654) -- hamza above
local vw_s_ocu = u(0x064E) -- zabar (a)

local vw_l_cbr = u(0x0657) -- inverted zer
local vw_l_cfu = u(0x0656) -- subscript alif

local hat = u(0x065A)
local inverted_hat = u(0x065B)
local hats = hat .. inverted_hat

local short_vowels_list = vw_s_cfu .. vw_s_ccu .. vw_s_cbr .. vw_s_mcu .. vw_s_ocu 

-- carrier + diacritic combos
local long_u = vav .. vw_l_cbr
local short_o = vav .. inverted_hat
local long_i = ye .. vw_l_cfu
local short_e = ye .. inverted_hat

local vocalised_carrier = long_u .. short_o .. long_i .. short_e .. 'ۆ' .. 'ێ' .. 'ۆ'

local palatalisers = "ۍؠ"

local consonants = "بپتٹجچدڈرڑزژسشفکگلمنهھےثحخذصضطظعغقۍۄیٲآ"
local consonants_no_conj = "بپتٹجچدڈرڑزژسشفکگلمنهےثحخذصضطظعغق"
local consonants_no_conj_r = "بپتٹجچدڈڑزژسشفکگلمنهےثحخذصضطظعغق"
local consonants_no_conj_n = "بپتٹجچدڈرڑزژسشفکگلمهےثحخذصضطظعغق"
local consonants_no_conj_r_n = "بپتٹجچدڈڑزژسشفکگلمهےثحخذصضطظعغق"

local conv = {
	-- consonants
	['ب'] = 'b', ['پ'] = 'p', ['ت'] = 't', ['ٹ'] = 'ṭ', ['ث'] = 's',
	['ج'] = 'j', ['چ'] = 'c', ['ح'] = 'h', ['خ‬'] = 'x',
	['د'] = 'd', ['ڈ'] = 'ḍ', ['ذ‬'] = 'z',
	['ر'] = 'r', ['ڑ'] = 'ṛ', ['ز'] = 'z', ['ژ'] = 'ć',
	['س'] = 's', ['ش'] = 'ś', ['ص‬'] = 's', ['ض‬'] = 'z',
	['ط‬'] = 't', ['ظ'] = 'z',
	['ع'] = 'ʿ', ['غ'] = 'ġ',
	['ف'] = 'f', ['ق'] = 'q',
	['ک'] = 'k', ['گ'] = 'g',
	['ل'] = 'l', ['م'] = 'm', ['ن'] = 'n',
	['ه'] = 'h', ['ھ'] = 'h',
	-- always word-final
	['ے'] = 'y',
	-- incorrect palatalisation marker
	['ۍ'] = '\'',

	-- broken/open vowels
	['ۄ'] = 'ọ', ['ؠ'] = 'ẹ', -- optionally ẹ = ya
	-- a carries long vowels
	['ٲ'] = 'ạ̄', ['آ'] = 'ā',

    -- short vowels
    ['ۆ'] = 'o', ['ۆ'] = 'o', ['ێ'] = 'e', ['أ'] = 'ạ', ['إ'] = 'ụ',
	-- numerals
	['۰'] = '0', ['۱'] = '1', ['۲'] = '2', ['۳'] = '3', ['۴'] = '4', ['۵'] = '5', ['۶'] = '6', ['۷'] = '7', ['۸'] = '8', ['۹'] = '9',

local short_vowels = {
	-- high vowels
	[u(0x0650)] = 'i', [u(0x0655)] = 'ụ', [u(0x064F)] = 'u', [u(0x065F)] = 'ụ̄',
	-- central vowels
	[u(0x0654)] = 'ạ',
	-- low vowels
	[u(0x064E)] = 'a',

local alif = 'ا'
local waw = 'و'
local ye = 'ی'

-- Devanagari begins here

local p1 = {
['kh'] = 'ख्',
['gh'] = 'घ्',
['ch'] = 'छ्',
['ćh'] = 'छ़्',
['jh'] = 'झ्',
['ṭh'] = 'ठ्',
['ḍh'] = 'ढ्',
['th'] = 'थ्',
['dh'] = 'ध्',
['ph'] = 'फ्',
['bh'] = 'भ्',

local p2 = {
['k'] = 'क्',
['g'] = 'ग्',
['c'] = 'च्',
['ć'] = 'च़्',
['j'] = 'ज्',
['z'] = 'ज़्',
['ṭ'] = 'ट्',
['ḍ'] = 'ड्',
['t'] = 'त्',
['d'] = 'द्',
['n'] = 'न्',
['p'] = 'प्',
['b'] = 'ब्',
['m'] = 'म्',
['r'] = 'र्',
['y'] = 'य्',
['\''] = 'य्',
['l'] = 'ल्',
['ś'] = 'श',
['s'] = 'स्',
['v'] = 'व्',
['0'] = '०',
['1'] = '१',
['2'] = '२',
['3'] = '३',
['4'] = '४',
['5'] = '५',
['6'] = '६',
['7'] = '७',
['8'] = '८',
['9'] = '९',

local vowels_non_initial = {
['a'] = '',
['ā'] = 'ा',
['ọ'] = 'ॅ',
['ọ̄'] = 'ॉ',
['e'] = 'ॆ',
['ē'] = 'े',
['ạ'] = 'ऺ',
['ạ̄'] = 'ऻ',
['i'] = 'ि',
['ī'] = 'ी',
['ụ'] = 'ॖ',
['ụ̄'] = 'ॗ',
['u'] = 'ु',
['ū'] = 'ू',
['o'] = 'ॊ',
['ō'] = 'ो',

local vowels_initial = {
['a'] = 'अ',
['ā'] = 'आ',
['ọ'] = 'अॅ',
['ọ̄'] = 'ऑ',
['e'] = 'ए\'',
['ē'] = 'ए',
['ạ'] = 'अ\'',
['ạ̄'] = 'आ\'',
['i'] = 'इ',
['ī'] = 'ई',
['ụ'] = 'उ\'',
['ụ̄'] = 'ऊ\'',
['u'] = 'उ',
['ū'] = 'ऊ',
['o'] = 'ओ\'',
['ō'] = 'ओ',

function export.tr(text, lang, sc)
    text = gsub(text, '([' .. palatalisers .. ']%f[%s%z])', '\'')

    -- interconsonantal vav is a long ō sound
    text = gsub(text,
        '([' .. consonants ..  ']ھ?)' .. vav .. '([' .. consonants .. '])',

    -- intervocalic alif is a long a sound
	text = gsub(text, '([' .. consonants .. 'و ' .. '])' .. alif .. '([' .. consonants .. 'و' .. '])', "%1ā%2")
    -- long /u:/ and /i:/
    text = gsub(text, vav .. vw_s_cbr .. vav .. "([" .. consonants .. "])", vav .. "ū%1")
    text = gsub(text, "([" .. consonants  .. "])" .. vw_s_cfu .. ye .. "([" .. consonants .. "])", "%1ī%2")

    -- vav with hat = short o
    text = gsub(text, vav .. hats, "o")

    -- vav with short vowel
    text = gsub(text,
        vav .. "([" .. short_vowels_list .. "])",
            return "v" .. short_vowels[c]

    -- final he + short vowel disregards the he and transliterates the vowel
    text = gsub(text, 'ہ([' ..  short_vowels_list .. '])', short_vowels)

    -- word-initial alif + vowelled carrier drops the alif
    text = gsub(text, '^' .. alif .. '([' .. vocalised_carrier .. '])', "%1")

    -- word-initial alif + short vowel diacritic drops the alif
    text = gsub(text, '^' .. alif .. '([' .. short_vowels_list .. '])', "%1")

    -- nun or re with hat
    -- TODO: add support for re
    text = gsub(text, "ن" .. "([" .. hats.. "])", "n")

    -- ye with hat = short e
    text = gsub(text, ye .. "([" .. hats.. "])", "e")

    -- vav with inverted pish = long u
    text = gsub(text, long_u, "ū")

    -- intervocalic ye is a long a sound
    text = gsub(text, '([' .. consonants .. '])' .. ye .. '([' .. consonants .. '])', "%1ē%2")

    -- word-final alif and ye
    text = gsub(text, '([' .. consonants .. '])' .. ye .. '$', "%1ī")
    text = gsub(text, '([' .. consonants .. '])' .. alif .. '$', "%1ā")

    -- regard the consonant + short vowel combinations throughout
	text = gsub(text, '.', short_vowels)

	text = gsub(text, '[أإبپتٹجچدڈرڑزژسشفکگلمنهھےثحخذصضطظعغقۍۄؠٲآۆۆێ]', conv)
	-- normal consonants left over
	text = gsub(text, vav, 'v')
	text = gsub(text, 'ہ', 'h')
    text = gsub(text, "ی", "y")
    -- Turn everything into Devanagari
	text = gsub(text, ".", p1)
	text = gsub(text, ".", p2)
	text = gsub(text, "[n][g]", "")
	-- introduce schwa and long /waa/ sound
	text = gsub(text, "^[aāạạ̄eēoōiīuūụụ̄ọọ̄]", vowels_initial)
	text = gsub(text, "aāạạ̄eēoōiīuūụụ̄ọọ̄", vowels_non_initial)
	return text

return export